Our Vision
We see… Ourselves being visible and active in our community, connecting with people who need hope, through community events, activities and projects.
We see… Every committed Christian in our church—motivated by a pure motive and God-given passion for those not in a relationship with Christ—intentionally practicing friendship evangelism.
We see… Thousands of unchurched people coming to Christ through VFCN as a result of selfless friendships, relevant ministries and fervent prayer.
We see… New Christians quickly and effectively getting plugged into the church by being connected with mature Christians who offer godly support and encouragement.
We see… A dynamic weekly corporate worship experience in which God’s presence is profound and people are profoundly changed.
We see… A well-developed pastoral care system for all ages facilitated by cell groups.
We see… We see…discipleship that generates enthusiastic involvement and brings real spiritual growth.
We see… We see…Christians who are fully equipped and empowered to do ministry and are committed to multiplying themselves by equipping and empowering others.
We see… We see…a large campus and facilities that provide for community outreach and effective ministry.