Our Values
Our church operates under the following values…
Selfless Love… We will give of ourselves to the community, friends and neighbors as Christ gave of Himself for us. We will connect those in our church together in a genuine loving community. Our church will practice grace, mercy and biblical conflict resolution.
Acceptance… We will accept everyone as they are. We will not judge a person. Rather, we will share biblical values that align our lives to please God.
Scripture Application… We will alter our lives to scriptural principles as we learn them and not change scripture to justify our lives as they are.
Cultural Relevancy… We will present the never changing story of Jesus in ever changing ways that are understandable and applicable in our culture. We will offer an authentic, God-centered worship experience in a contemporary format.
Lifestyle Evangelism… We will live out what we believe as we build relationships with those around us with the expectation that Christ’s holy influence through us will affect their lives.
Visible Faith… We will attempt big things for God believing He will do big things through us when we put His plans before our own. What we believe will been seen by what we do as our members participate in ministry.
Dynamic Discipleship… We will move Christians continuously toward a living, passionate relationship with Christ. Our teaching will be firmly rooted in scripture.
Persistent Prayer… We will emphasize ongoing commitments to prayer—the very lifeblood of our ministry—as well as developing biblical spiritual habits.